Platinum Plus Online Coaching

The most In-Depth Coaching experience you can get online

Fitness is a lifestyle, not your whole life. This service will help you add fitness into your life. If you are an athlete looking to take it to the next level, or you are someone who wants to start your journey in health and fitness, this is where to start.

What you get…

1 x Weekly Call

1 Weekly Video call or phone call to help keep you accountable and moving forward. This phone call is an opportunity for you to ask questions and for me to find out more about you and your reason behind training.

Communication via WhatsApp

Communication via WhatsApp Monday - Saturday 6 am-6 pm

Weekly Goal Setting

Having clear goals can be the difference between you moving forward or not making progress. Having a direction will keep you motivated. Weekly goals will be set during our phone calls to keep you progressing towards your long term goal. Goals will be set around training, nutrition and lifestyle.

Individual Programming

Individual programming that can be accessed via the TrueCoach App. Each session will have instructions on how to carry out each individual exercise as well as video exercise demonstrations so you can have the confidence that you are performing the exercises correctly.

Private Facebook Group

You will join a community of people all on their own fitness and health journey. Extra content and helpful information posted each week to help you further along in your journey.

Nutrition Plan + Coaching

Nutrition is important for ALL goals. Once you understand some basic principles, nutrition becomes simple. You have the option to use a nutrition plan or to get advice, assistance and goals set around your current diet. The goal is to give you the tools to plan your own nutrition and create a healthy relationship with food and yourself.

This is perfect for you if you want full support and guidance along your fitness and health journey.

If you want to see your full potential, this is your best opportunity.

PRICE: £180*

Platinum Plus Online Coaching

Your coach will design create a long term plan and design each session specifically around your goals, giving you help, guidance, goal setting, feedback and advice via WhatsApp, Video calls and the TrueCoach App.

*£180 per month

Your journey starts here!

Get in touch

If you have any questions please click the link below