Think about it! Charles Hacker Think about it! Charles Hacker

You will cheat on your partner

So in which of these hypothetical scenario’s am I most likely to cheat? Is it because my partner doesn’t look at me the way she used to, is it because my husband is always working? Is it because we have had an argument and I want to prove to him that I could get any man that I want? Or does my wife not have sex with me anymore? - Think it through, why would I ever cheat on my partner?

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Think about it! Charles Hacker Think about it! Charles Hacker

How to become famous

Talent. Marketable. Likeable. Attractive. The 4 simple things that make someone famous. Relatable. Thats the 5th, you have to be relatable in some way shape or form, you have to either depict the classic hero’s tale. Cue drake… “Started…”

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Think about it! Charles Hacker Think about it! Charles Hacker


I want to start by giving a trigger warning for this blog. What I’m about to write may be hard for some people to read as it may stir up feelings within you that you were unaware of or haven’t explored yet. I would really suggest you seek out help and support if this blog does trigger something within you as it may be the key to unlocking who you are and understanding your trauma.

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